The Vale of Kashmir and Hiking to Ladakh (1985)

10 thoughts on “The Vale of Kashmir and Hiking to Ladakh (1985)”

  1. That paddling photo made me realize you weren’t always a grumpy looking curmudgeon. Very studly. I’d like to hear more about trying to strangle the ticket agent. Whatever works.


    1. Thanks Denise, your support is appreciated. I am trying to make the posts as digestible as possible – people are inundated with media these days and it is hard to find the time to keep up. With both of us retired, we are finding the time to both read and write. A real pleasure!


  2. I couldn’t imagine trying to climb a snowfield in those “boots”. Reminds me of you punching holes in your boots and zap strapping the soles back on during our North Coast hike.


  3. Thanks for the comment Nico. My Zap strapped boots were state of the art in comparison! Did a steep bootpack the other day on compacted, icy steps and it felt anything but secure.


  4. O my ! this is a jewel of a post. I must tell you, nostalgic if nothing for many. Kashmir, laddakh both moving up the ladder away from just peace and calm; may be Pandemic might slow things down but it was a slow, old kind of read. Did you come back again ever to visit. Leh market is all new and filled with cafe houses and all.

    Gorgeous images. Regards
    Nara x


    1. Thanks for your comment Nara. No, we have never returned to India. We are however aware of the enormous changes that have occurred on the sub-continent in the past 34 years. I think it would be fascinating to return but this time it will be with touring bikes. We hear about the very difficult time India is having in dealing with the pandemic. I hope this note finds you and your family safe and healthy.
      All the best
      Jim & Claire

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It would be great with touring bikes, certainly. Thank for writing.

        Yes, when it looked all under control disease caught us underprepared. Its slowly getting better. It will. Yet, since we are too many it will take quiet some time and persuasion to get us all vaccinated 🙂

        I hope you and family are staying strong and safe there. My regards.
        Nara x


  5. Folk Dances of North India is bathed by the regional freshness of the North. When it comes to the North Indian States, the folk dance, folk culture is in sync with the idyllic reservoir of the pulsating, brimming life of the mass. Dance becomes the language of the soul amidst the mountain dwellers and the valley populace. Folk Dance of North India projects the solidarity of the common mass in short.


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